Thursday, January 24, 2008

"I know who you are."

Jake reports on a fireside chat with Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori.

The part of the report that most interested and saddened me was this:

"In response to another question, which I believe was about if Bp. Katharine had ever considered sitting down for dinner with Bps. Iker, Duncan and Schofield to just talk things over, Bp. Katharine made an interesting comment. She inferred that she did have some level of a relationship with Bps. Duncan and Schofield, but none with Bp.Iker, as he had rebuffed any attempts she had made to be cordial. The first time she had the opportunity to meet Bp. Iker, she approached him to introduce herself. His response was to say "I know who you are," and to then turn away."

This is, of course, at odds with what Jack Iker has been saying about his encounters with the presiding bishop.

But he has made it clear from the day of her election -- when he wasted no time announcing his plan to seek "alternate primatial oversight" -- that he has never had any intention of trying to find a way to work things out with her.

How can we justify saying we have no need of one another?


Barbi Click said...

It is easy to act/say that we have no need of one another when we refuse to pray for one another. How can we deliberately NOT pray for another?
It reminds me of the woman at the 2007 (?) FW diocesan convention who loudly proclaimed, "We can't love EVERYONE!" and then immediately said, "Well, you KNOW what I mean!"

Ann said...

It is sad - his loss.

ehculver said...

Scarlett O'Hara would have said, "Sir, you are no gentleman."
It amazes me to see persons in Holy Orders whose behavior doesn't come up to the minimum standards of civility. Fortunately, I don't see it often, but it's a double shock when I do. We can always pray, of course.

Caminante said...

If he really did say that to her, whether she was the PB or the street cleaner, it is plain and out rude, an outright dissing of a person. There are no excuses for such behaviour.