Thursday, August 06, 2009

Jake is back!

Father Jake Stops the World
The musings of an eccentric and sometimes heretical Episcopal priest

Jake is back and stopping the world here.

And that noise you hear is Episcopalians and Anglicans around the world rejoicing.

Come to my arms, my beamish boy!O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!"

Our beamish boy is back and while he hasn't slain the dread Jabberwock, he will certainly once again strike deep into the heart of the lies and misinformation being spewed like water from a fire hose by those who would undermine - indeed destroy -- the Episcopal Church.

I can tell you there are MANY folks in the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth who are overjoyed at the news.

In the dark days before our former leadership left the Episcopal Church, his blog was a lifeline thrown to us from the wider church. Jake's World was a source of news, information, and hope to more people here than he ever knew or could imagine.

There's a reason a community grew up around that blog. It's because people are drawn to truth telling and honest dialogue -- the hallmark of Jake's place.

So while I am sorry his other job disappeared, I am glad he's back doing this.

Welcome back, Jake. We missed you.


Unknown said...

Aug. 12 post on Jake's blog is interesting to read since it concerns St. Gregory's in the Southern Cone.

John said...

Oh, this is great news. Thank you, Katie.